Nuclear Shielding Supplies & Service (NSS)
Tucson, Arizona Louisville, Kentucky Montreal, Canada
Cancer Treatment Centers

Icon Cancer Centre (Tasmania)
The demand for high density (heavyweight) concrete shielding in hospitals continues to grow.
Shielding is required in hospitals and cancer clinics from radiation sources which commonly include linear accelerators and cyclotrons.
NSS regularly works with hospital physicists and architects to supply them with information on high density (heavyweight) aggregates, mix designs and technical expertise for their shielding requirements.
At an increasing rate, hospitals are steering clear of negative environmental and health issues associated with lead and are discovering high density (heavyweight) concrete as the all-in-one, environmentally safe radiation shields.
ShieldBLOCK® Cancer Centres and Radiation Treatment Rooms (download brochure)
Radiation ShieldDOOR® Solutions (download brochure)
Linear Accelerator Vaults (download flyer)
Nuclear Waste Storage/Transport Caskets
High Density Concrete for Nuclear Research Facilities
High Density Concrete for Collegiate Nuclear Test Reactors